How to Get a DBA Name in New Hampshire

Businesses operating under a name other than their legal name, commonly known as a "doing business as" (DBA) name, must follow certain procedures in the state of New Hampshire. Whether you're starting a new venture or expanding an existing one, obtaining a DBA name allows you to conduct business under a more distinct and recognizable identity. This informative guide will walk you through the process of acquiring a DBA name in the Granite State.

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What is a DBA Name?

Before delving into the specifics of obtaining a DBA name in New Hampshire, it's important to understand what a DBA name actually is. In the simplest terms, it is an alternative business name under which you can operate while not using your formal legal business name. Many businesses choose to adopt DBA names to create a compelling brand, target specific markets, or simply give their business a more memorable and meaningful identity.

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Benefits of Having a DBA Name

Having a DBA name offers several advantages for businesses, such as:

1. Establishing a Brand: A DBA name allows you to build recognition and brand equity separate from your legal business name.

2. Targeting Multiple Markets: With a DBA name, businesses can cater to different market segments under specific brand identities.

3. Registering Multiple Ventures: If you operate multiple ventures or have subsidiary businesses, a DBA name facilitates a clear distinction between them.

4. Enhancing Credibility: Using a unique and catchy DBA name can attract customers, enhance professionalism, and establish trust.

Step-by-Step Guide: Obtaining a DBA Name in New Hampshire

Follow these steps to obtain a DBA name in New Hampshire:

1. Research Your Desired Name

Before moving forward with the DBA name registration process, conduct thorough research to ensure your chosen name is not already in use. Visit the New Hampshire Secretary of State's website and search their business name database to determine if your desired name is available.

2. Register Your Business Entity

A DBA name registration in New Hampshire assumes that you already have a legal business entity on file. If you haven't already, you must establish a legal entity by registering as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation.

3. Check Naming Requirements and Prohibitions

New Hampshire imposes certain naming requirements and prohibitions that you must adhere to when selecting a DBA name. The exact rules and eligibility criteria can be found on the Secretary of State's website.

4. Fill Out the Fictitious Name Application

To obtain a DBA name, you need to complete the Fictitious Name Registration form provided by the New Hampshire Secretary of State. This form requires essential information about your existing business, your desired fictitious name, and the nature of your business activities.

5. Notarize the Application

The completed Fictitious Name Registration form must be notarized. Find a local notary public who can witness your signature and affix their official seal or stamp to the document. Notarization ensures the authenticity of your application.

6. Submit the Application and Fee

Make a copy of your notarized Fictitious Name Registration form for your records, and submit the original form along with the prescribed filing fee to the New Hampshire Secretary of State's office. As of the time of writing, the fee for registration is $50.00.

7. Publish a Notice in a Designated Newspaper

Upon approval of your DBA name application, New Hampshire requires you to publish a notice in a newspaper at least once, within a 10-day period, stating your intent to operate under the DBA name. Contact the Secretary of State's office for the list of newspapers designated for publication in your respective county.

8. Renewal and Maintenance

Your DBA name registration is valid for five years from the date it is issued. Be sure to keep track of the expiration date and take necessary action to renew your registration before it expires.


Acquiring a DBA name in New Hampshire is a relatively straightforward process that requires diligent research, completion of forms, and adherence to licensing requirements. By following the step-by-step guide provided above, you can successfully secure a DBA name for your business within the boundaries of New Hampshire law. Remember, having a DBA name grants you the flexibility to operate under a name that effectively represents your brand and enhances your business's overall success.

*Disclaimer: This article does not constitute legal advice. Please consult with legal professionals to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.*

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